Friday, June 24, 2022

Breaking it the custom boots: 1st week

 1st day: 

-Intense pain into/ under the heels, but I'm still hoping the  boot heel cup will relax. I have an idea it could be the outside heel that was modified to be lower, and may affect the shape of the sole so the insole, but I'm not gonna entertain that idea until few more skating days

-The blister on my right big toe sensitive was very sensitive.

-I need to move the blade left back  slightly towards inside.

-Not much breaking in at the ankle yet. 

-Heel raising... supposedly the insole gets my foot out of the heel cup. That is a bummer and no solution in sight, only to give up on the insoles, but I need that arch support. I don't know how that will impact my skating,

2nd day:

-it didn't happen, that shows perfectly that my enthusiasm is low.

Hope level that these boots will work... I would say 50/50 I just don't know

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Custom boots reworked - 3rd trip to the bootsfitter

 The boots were heated and clamped to be made more narrow at the back of the arch. I could see the clamps marks (not scratches, just dimples)

They did feel tighter. They hurt around/ under the heel a little more maybe? But I know, and the bootfitter confirmed, that the heel cup will relax. So I checked again the blade alignment just to be sure the screws don't need to be physically moved, and they did actually, then I left with the plan of breaking them in and fine tuning the blade alignment myself.

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Custom boots reworked - 2nd trip to bootfitter

The main goal of this trip was for the bootfitter to try to straighten the "wall" of the boots, to go up around the arch, because they were very wide there, and my foot collapsed there. 

They seemed better. We also put in my new superfeet insoles.

I went on ice to try to feel the blade alignment. After punching, I had more space for the tongue, that was better, the blister was reasonable but it was not healed so there was pain that I had to ignore. The soles of my feet hurt. I've realized we didn't warm up the super feet insoles, so they must poke. Worrisome... I couldn't hold the forward outside edges...

I went several times on ice after the bootftter adjusted the blade. But it almost felt worst? The boot collapsed again from the heat of my feet... I kept insisting that must be  way to straighten. The bootfitter said he would try to clamp them. 

My hope level: close to desperation...

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Monthly skating review: progress and goals adjustment

Last month I was skating regularly on my old boots. I cannot do much. And eventually I did get very frustrated. I also took some falls when I allowed myself to go faster. The blades just slips from underneath me. But... I don't feel I lost my skills. I feel like a intermediary skater.

AND... I missed it so badly. I hope the reworked boots will work. I think figuring out some supportive boots is the biggest problem of my life at this point. Skating makes me happy, period! But it is also the only exercising I can make myself do regularly.  So when I'm not skating I'm not doing well physicly and mentally/emotionally.

Well... the fall to spring ice is coming to an end this wekend. In the summer the ice I can find is sparse and at inconsistent schedule. But summer will pass and I'll have ice in couple of months. Will I have new/ working boots?

Monthly skating review: progress and goals adjustment

Well, last moth I've got to skate only twice per week and no lessons... It was mostly because of my work scheduled, but I've also lo...