Friday, March 8, 2019

Working at my first Freestyle program part 5

I had the 4th and 5th lessons toward choreographing my program with coach B.
Read about the experience with coach A here, then, the first, second and third lessons with coach B.

The program:
- After the Waltz jump landing I step forward, do an inside 3-turn into a forward one foot spin. This is a new entrance to me. When I first tried it on the 4th lesson I coudn't do it and we used the wind-up entrance from back crossovers. The problem is that it really didn't work with the music. So I worked on it with my main coach, I've got the 3 turn, (the secret is to let the left side go back, don't check it as for let's say the toe loop). But now, I mess my spin. I think I just rush...  I have to get out of the spin facing the judges, that's new to me and working only when I have a good spin.
- I continue with a forward a chasse into an inside edge with hand movement, crossover and right foot outside edge spiral.
- As I lover the free foot (left) I cross it in front over the right and step on an outside edge, then step on the right foot that is kept crossed back, on an inside edge that's becoming the first edge of a mohawk.
- Half Flip
- Mohaw with hand movement into wind up for the final two foot spin.
- The exit from the spin and final pose to be decided.

The testing chair got back to me that I can test on March 30. I have 3 weeks. The program is done, that's good. What's not good is that 3 weeks seems very soon. The program is very nice, but what is gonna count for the test, is to do the elements right. And I didn't really did Freestyle in the last 3 years, and 3 years ago I was very very slow so I was doing all the jumps and spins without any speed coming into them. With the speed I have now, and/or trying to  keep up with the music, sometimes I'm messing up the elements... The elements are 2 to 4 jumps, that could be half or full rotations and I decided to put in 3: Waltz jump, half Flip and Salchow (this one I mess up sometimes) and 2 spins that are a two foot spin and a forward one foot spin (they both got into the program just this week and I mess up both).

The Salchow I used to do from skating forward, now, for the program I do it from back crossovers, 3 turn, check and wait, and jump. Sometimes I have too much speed, sometimes I rush because I want to be on music, sometimes I overthink and sometimes I'm tired. All these scenarios end up with me not doing the "check and wait" and the jump it's not happening. But it was just fine on it's own, including today, so it should be fine with practice.

The forward spin I didn't do at all lately (last years), I worked a little on the forward scratch spin, but just a little so I don't strain the injured hip, I worked consistently just on the back spin. The forward scratch spin I do center but I take a lot of time for it.  I think now, for the regular forward spin I just rush... I need 3 rotations for the test and I always get them, but not centered.... The two foot spin I'm used to do from pivot, always centered, and now, for the program I do it from the regular wind up, I think I get too much speed, and again, I'm not centering... I was spinning like a mad man (woman) on Wednesday. Definition of the madness is to do something the same way expecting a different result...The results were consistent: spins were not centered. So, I've tried to break it down and work on parts of it. But when I put them back together they still were off. On last Thursday's lesson with my main coach, I asked to start with the spins. And knew all he was gonna tell me (hold the entrance edge, press the edge, don't let the left hand unravel before turning the 3-turn, bring the free foot around, don't stop it laterally, hold the open arm and free leg position long enough (as I do for the scratch spin)).  This Thursday I choose to do just dance on my lesson. I thought more spinning instruction would just make me more frustrated. I felt I just needed some quiet time to get the mind and body in sync. And I'm happy that today, Friday I've got few good spins.

I'm also thinking maybe I should put the two foot spin with the inside 3-turn entrance and put the regular spin at the end. The music phrase for the spin with the inside 3-turn entrance is short so a quick two foot spin would work, and at the end I have extra time, so I can hopefully do a good one foot spin from my regular wind up entrance and hold it for more rotations than the 3 requested, to end the program in a high note...

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