Saturday, May 11, 2019

Skating technique: Forward Crossovers

The Forward Crossovers are taught in the very first sessions of group lessons under ISI curriculum. A Crossovers has 2 strokes on edges, an outside one, then the free foot comes from behind and crosses over the skating foot and gets on an inside edge while the skating foot pushes.

I don't remember much from the beginning instruction. We surely started with CCW, the more comfortable direction for most of us and that is Left Stroke on Outside Edge then cross with the Right Leg on Inside Edge. I don't think we were instructed to stroke on a LO edge, we may have been just gliding on 2 feet. We were asked to pick up the right foot and to put it over the left one. We were instructed to try by the boards and even off ice with and without the skates on. I understand now that the reason to start with picking up the right foot is to transfer the weight completely over the left one before stepping on the right one. In time that will allow to lean towards the left (into the circle). Next step would have been to understand that we follow a circle and learn to twist the upper body towards the circle, look towards the center of the circle and have the arms right hand forward, left hand back. And we would have been asked to try the other side.
Here is an instructional video I like:

Now for the real forward crossovers (let's still talk about CCW):
1.You start by bending, pressing into ice and pushing (read the Forward Stroking and push post) on a LFO edge with strong knee bend, with the upper body twisted facing the inside of the circle but not so much that the arms are over the circle lines (the front arm is a little outside of the circle and the back am a little inside the circle) and looking towards the inside of the circle, the free leg goes 45 degrees laterally not back (to maintain the edge and also it will be easier to bring it forward to cross), pointed tow, straight knee,
- the weight on the blade for both feet, as for al forward skating is an the back of you arch foot.
- press into the ice
- the body alignment is as if the neck zipper is over the skating foot and you feel the weight on left front ribs
- the left hip shouldn't stick out
- back hand higher
- bend the knee and ankle so the knees forms a 90 degree angle
- LEAN! 
- hold the extension for 2 counts
- a good exercise that allows you to concentrate on all these points is chasses on a circle as here:
2. Swipe the free (right) leg forward over the left and set it on an inside edge
- under push  with the left foot from the back arch of your foot laterally outside the circle, not back, I thought the toe is pointed pointed but in the first video I shared he asks to flex the foot but to stretch the leg.
- push forward the opposite side of the rib cage, so the right side here
- allow the left hip to go under the right hip
- hold for 2 counts
- bring the foot near the skating foot and repeat
And here is the ice dancers Oleg and Kseniya  instruction on crossovers, with even more tips. The only difference I see from my coach's instruction, is that they rise (bounce) between strokes, my coach wants me to keep the same level.

Exercise summer group class 7/19/2018. On all 5 circles...
- stay on outside edge and pumps (half swizzles)
- stay on inside edge after one crossover and under pump
- stay on outside edge and push and hold extension for 3 counts
- crossovers

Crossovers are a basic skating skill that even good skater work on continuously to maintain and improve. My CW crossovers are still weaker then the CCW because I lean forward and I loose the right point of balance on the blade, so I keep paying attention to that. I also push the back shoulder forward as shown in the first video to not do... Another realization I would share is that a coach instruction at one point in time will be different from another time. At each point the coach teaches what the skater needs. The instruction would differ from one skater to another at the same level from the same coach, as the coach would customize the instruction. And obviously different coaches tech different techniques and use different words.

I'm not getting corrections on crossovers at the point I'm at. That means that they are good for my level. But after I'll pass the Pre-Juvenile MITF test and I'll work on the Juvenile (equivalent with adult Gold), surely I'll get new instruction as power crossovers on a spiral pattern will be a requirement for that test.

Dec 2020: I've asked for corrections as I felt that my under push is week, it felt like it was sliding from under me. The correction was to start pressing into that edge while the free leg comes around from being extended after the initial push. Then, for training purpose, I should hold the under push as long as the push, so let's say 2 counts and 2 counts... Also, I was skating those with the upper body square to the circle, as the ice dancing chasses and progressives. So I got the correction to really put the back arm back... that also helps with the posture. Also, I was asked to lean more into the circle.

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