Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Monthly skating review: progress and goals adjustment

Last month was... I don't know... not good. And I'm talking about skating... and life. Actually I think life affected the skating a lot. The covid virus is spreading, and while we are not in quarantine, life is definitely not normal. Rinks are open but not really... I mean not as before. And every rink has different policies.

I skated mostly at my home rink where I had to buy the ice for the whole month. Also we have to enter the facility fully clothed and with the skates and mask on, coaches are not allowed on ice, they teach by the ice entrances and hockey box and their students get stuck on the same spots, near the coaches, blocking the way for the rest of us. 20 people are allowed on ice so it is crowded. I bought ice for Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. On Tuesdays this ice was after hockey camps and it was horrible so I wasn't very upset I missed two of my prepaid slots. On Fridays it was just a little better. On Saturdays I was tired after skating Fridays and I also had life engagements so I've missed other two slots. I had two private lessons on another rink, and those both went towards Freestyle, the first one was very productive, the second one not so, I think because I was distracted by life...

And... to add insult to injury, I've injured myself. I talked about it in my previous post, and I said I was fine, but I wasn't. The ankles were hurting so I couldn't really work on jumps and spins... And as  all the perimeter of the rink was unusable (skaters blocking the way while taking lessons), and the ice was bad, it was no chance in doing MITF patterns or dance patterns. The good news is that the last time I skated the ankles felt fine. My right hip was hurting on some 3-turns and the back spin.

I was thinking to use this unproductive skating time to have a program choreographed, but the coach that choreographed my old program hasn't answered my texts. I am a little disappointed, but I'm mostly worried. I hope he's well. My regular coach doesn't choreograph programs so I don't know, should I look for a new choreograph, or should I wait?

What can I say... not a good month.

With the info I have right now, I cannot really plan this skating month. I bought ice at my home rink but just Mondays and Fridays. I just hope that Mondays will feel better than the Tuesdays from last month. If I would have two reasonably good practices per week I could add a lesson on Tuesdays or Wednesdays to the other rink, if not, maybe I'll hang in there without lessons until September and see if the ice schedule and life in general are gonna relax a little.

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Monthly skating review: progress and goals adjustment

Well, last moth I've got to skate only twice per week and no lessons... It was mostly because of my work scheduled, but I've also lo...