Monday, November 9, 2020

Skates update - I need new boots

It feels that I've finally got the sharpening right... I was on dull and then too sharp blades for a month a a half... I went to a figure skating store and they confirmed the radius I had now, was deeper than 7/16 I have used all the time before now. They said it was a little deeper then 3/8... that's deep... I'm more, relieved then anything else... It was really exhausting doubting myself, trying to control the deeper edge and not really knowing for sure what is wrong. As I was saying in the previous posts, on the previous, deeper edge, I've felt the blades went where they wanted. The solution for that would have theoretically been to press more into the ice, but that only made it worse. So I've lost the habit of pressing into the ice... I've also probably lost some stamina as I skated very casually for more then a month. Now, I'll have to spend some time  to get used to my new, old, sharpening radius... again...

I'll also have to spend some time soon to get used to... new boots. I'm still skating on my fist pair of boots. They served me well for almost 10 years... They lasted so long because they were an intermediary model not a beginner model, that decided for because they've fit better, like way better. Now I've felt occasionally they didn't give me enough resistance when I pressed harder and also when I was landing jumps. But I have another reason for buying new boots... I want my old boots available to mount some wheels in the spring, or my old blade for outdoor skating, we'll see...

Meanwhile I've asked my coach to continue to teach me new things, that I can approach with the slower speed that it seams I'm comfortable with.

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