Sunday, December 6, 2020

Working on MITF Pre-Juvenile and 5 minutes warm-up

 On the private lesson I've filled in my coach about the intention to test the moves and we ran all the test. We didn't have time to talk after, so I don't know his opinion if I'm ready or not to test. I've made some uncharacteristic mistakes. I think I've put a little more oomph into everything and that made me lose a little from the precision. Anyhow,  here are the corrections:

  • Crossovers: Fill the corner when finishing the backward ones and take the back crossovers around the end of the rink. It is the second time it happens when I show him this move, that I put too much power when I start the back crossovers, and I'm getting more speed and bigger lobes than I'm used to, and I think I'ms getting afraid I'll run out of ice... I think this is a strong move, the speed and power are a plus, the cutting of the corner would be fine for the test. My problem here is, that I don't need that uncertainty and stress that I'll run off ice... I need this move smooth, to keep my cool for the rest of the test.
  • 3-turns: I always get correction on 3-turns, but I did the pattern, without stumbles and with flow. Anyway here are the corrections I've got on the 3-turns: FO 3s Lift over hip, the free skate touches the skating skate, after turn, the skating skate and knee pushes into the free skate and knee. Don't extend the free leg so high, it destabilizing the exit edge. BI 3s Don't drop free hip, push hip under at turn, let the exit edge run. FI 3s After the turn the free skate pushes into the skating one. Turn on the ball, not middle of blade. BO 3s Hold the leading arm higher, turn  under it.
  • Power pulls: were fine. Again I've put a little more knee bend and power then usually, and I've got off rhythm on the backward ones, but I've self corrected. Correction from the coach on the backward ones, alight and pull the  shoulders back over the edges
  • Backward circle eight was fine, as it always is... But I've lost my focus and I made the last one bigger... 
  • 5 step mohawk  we didn't have time for it, but it was good move for a long while.

I'll keep up the good work for this test. Each skating session, I'll start with the "5 minutes warmup" and continue immediately with the rest of the elements for this test to mimic what the conditions of the actual test.

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