Sunday, April 25, 2021

To test or not to test?

Should I test the Pre-juvenile MITF? I felt I was ready, in fact I registered to take this test 2 years ago, and there was a problem with the registration and I changed clubs. Then, just as I put myself together to test, I've hurt my hip, ah.. the joy of adult skating... Then Covid hit, rinks closed, then open with restrictions like reduced schedule and coaches not being allowed on ice...Then, as I was starting to feel in shape to test again, I couldn't find a test session in the next two months and so I decided to change my boots (that was December), and as you know, that's not going well. I've got a pair of defective boots, I returned them, started to look for another pair, and while I did put the blade back on my old boot, it didn't feel right so I stopped skating for a month. That put me both in bad skating shape and in bad mood in general. The second pair of new boots I bought was defective too. I put the blade back on my old boot and adjusted the blade myself so I wouldn't take another month break. Actually it would have been more than a month as I wasn't sure what boot model to buy next. 

While back on my old boots... I knew the right booth was collapsed towards inside as I pronate on that foot. I already had wedges to correct that, I added more. I was surprised that I need wedge on the left boot too. I think I collapsed that boot too when my hip was hurt. So I had some kind of alignment, not ideal. I felt I could do most of my old exercises but I didn't trust the boots to go fast, to push for new staff and progress... I started to get unmotivated, I've stopped the lessons. I was mostly skating around while talking to friends.

Then I found new boots. I was cautiously optimistic... But what if these are gonna have some problems? How will I motivate myself to continue? I decided to delay changing the blade on the new boots for two weeks and take advantage of the new possibility to record tests and submit it virtually. I talked about virtual testing here

I recorded the test! Unfortunately my friend that recorded it didn't know the exercises and missed me from the viewfinder a little. That, combined with the fact that the new boots felt reasonably good, made me postpone the decision of sending the test to be judged. There is a period of 30 days from when a test is recorded to be sent in.

And then, the boots didn't go so well. It is the insole mostly... at least that is what I hope. I cannot lace my boots tight enough without proper arch support, if I try, I collapse my arch and my feet start to hurt, cramp and freeze. I started to get frustrated and unmotivated. So I went back to the thought of sending the test to be judged to hopefully pass and motivate me, or at least keep my mind occupied and distracted from still adjusting to the new boots for two week, while I'll get the results. 

I've asked my coach (that I haven't seen from December) to watch it, and he agreed that it's a good effort and the video taping is not terrible. So I've sent the video to be judged!  I should have the result in around two weeks... I'll share the video soon, I just want to edit it and take out the personal info that I needed to put in for the virtual test.

Fingers crossed!

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