Sunday, April 10, 2022

The custom boots nightmare - part 4

The answer from Riedell came quite quickly, they would refund my money or correct the lenght and height of toe, make the heel cup narrower and build the arch more to help for pronation if I wanted to, that's it...

I took some time to consider,  I also consulted with the bootfitter. In no particular order I was concerned with:

- the back lenght of the boot being shorter as those cut back designs hurt my achile's tendon in the past and also felt unstable. Though these boots are not so low, so... ok...

- the heel lifting up, that I don't know why and how would affect my skating. He said that that is very probable happening because of the boots being to0 long, so it's gonna be corrected implicitly.

- the back shape of the boot combined with the higher height of the wood heel that pushes my way balance forward. He said he can, himself, take a layer of the heel out...


Well, I thought, better than my old boots, and it is not that I have a better option.

I diligently wrote to Riedell that I want the first 3 modifications, not the 4th one, the arch build, leave that clean. I also offered to go back to the bootfitter, that is an hour away from me, to give any more feedback for the lenght, heel cup, because I didn't have the boots, they stayed with the boot fitter.

I said they can ship to me or to the bootfitter but please do send me the tracking number this time...

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