Sunday, May 21, 2023

The third week of May

I'm reminding you that my skating intention/ plan is to skate 3 times a week, to focus on finalizing the blade alignment and to figure out goals and how to stay motivated.

Monday: Firstly the blade adjustment. I readjusted it before I got to the rink. The previous adjustment was to move it towards inside, and Friday, the time I skated I felt it was slightly too much, so I moved it towards outside, it felt too much... The good news is that the balance alignment should be in between these points. I will try a little more to try to get the in between spot. But I'm thinking I may need the boot punched a little more at the big toe. The reason I don't find that "middle" might be because that inside part of the foot doesn't have enough space to spread and the toe is pushed towards inside. Whatever it is, I can see that there is a solution but I'll have to stay on top of this. I also noted that I need to pay attention tie the laces tightly, if they are not tight enough at first try, it is difficult to get it right, I got them too thigh.

Skating went fairy well. I was trying not to exert myself and also to do something with a goal in mind, an that is Gold Moves. So I did edge presses, 3 turns, double 3 turns and brackets. I also filled in the time with some chasses, cross rolls, stroking, and some talking with my skating friends... I was quite tired after skating, I stretched a little when I got home and I was sore on Tuesday.

Wednesday: The alignment of the left blade felt better than the right one! Finally! I plan the next time to move the right blade a touch, maybe it moved a bit, maybe my boots got tighter and the balance is different, or maybe through comparison with the left one, I feel it can be better.

Skating went well. I approached the session like I would work for the Gold Moves. I warmed up the edges, the single 3 turns, the double 3 turns, then I put them on the pattern with the 3s completed but loss of flow, I warmed up the brackets, then I put them on the pattern, I had some hesitations and some tough downs but the foundation is there. Back circle eight went well. The crossovers I don't know how to put on the pattern, but I did work on crossovers. So that's that! I did some spins, work a little on twizzles (those are my biggest skating desire). Then I did some dance warm ups and a shy Tenfox. Oh and I took a fall, that means I'm trying things, or I was tired, or both... I think both... Thursday I was sore, and the left side (the one I fell on) was slightly hurting. It is nothing worrisome, but I should continue the good practice of wearing the gel hip pad on my left hip that was injured few years ago and still hurts occasionally.

Friday: it was raining, I was a little tired and if you remember, last Monday for these exact reasons I didn't go skating. Now, I went... On ice I was very tired, from both the weather and the muscle being tired from the previous days. It made me feel off balance. Also distracting were 2 former males national competitors throwing around doubles and triples. Their skating with speed, their landing of double and triple jumpsand occasional falls were noisy and while they weren't skating really close to the rest of us, it felt unnerving. One of them was there both Monday and Wednesday. Monday there were other former elite skaters but older so a little slower but skating together as they knew each other and so, taking a lot of space on ice. This noon ice is for  adult figure skater but it is public ice meant to be safe for the adult skaters. It is not meant for training seriously. I know in the past the figure skater director intervened in situations like this and redirected the strong skaters to practice ice sessions. I hope she will do it again.

Skating didn't go as well as Wednesday or Monday for all above reasons. The boots felt better? though I'm not really sure. Oh well... 

The victory this week is that I skated 3 times!

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