Saturday, July 22, 2023

Third week of July

Monday and Wednesday were kind of the same. I was a little tired maybe because of the bad air quality, or maybe because it is quite hot. I went to the farther away rink, the session is just 1 hour and I was slightly late each day. That didn't give me time to play with the blade alignment for the newly stretched boot, but I do think there is improvement and also slight room for improvement, I am happy about that!

I've ran through all my exercises and the Tenfox, they all go reasonably well but I feel sloppy and without much flow.

I'm trying to improve the back spin (on which I felt a breakthrough the previous week when I've got a long spin on an accidental inside edge). The good news is that if I get on the inside edge the spin goes better, but I cannot get on it consistently, I think I'm leaving the upper body behind, as I used to do with the forward spin.

The next thing I work on consistently are the Twizzles. The CCW is rotating twice, the CW still not, maybe once- it almost did. I'm drilling short/ flat3 turns, 2 foot spins in the CW direction and Mo and FI 3s in the CW directions, I think that helps. I've also observed that everything, including Twizless, go better when I have a good posture day. I'm planing to observe if the posture and core engagement is better after days when I work my core muscles.

I couldn't skate on Friday.

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