Sunday, August 6, 2023

Monthly skating review: progress and goals adjustment

The plan last month was to continue observing my schedule and rinks schedule, equipment, muscle building and protein in food to help, and motivation, in order to be able to improve. I've also planned to "take it as it comes".

And I am content. I think I found a kind of a balance, meaning, that I skated enough in the context of rink schedule, work and not feeling well. I was able to skate 3 times per week the first 3 weeks, twice the 3rd week (because of work) and just once the last week of July (I was not feeling well). I've made progress in the equipment department as I finally was able to stretch my left boot and after that I continued to fine tune the blade alignment. Muscles are still tired but I feel I push harder, it gets easier to manage the food protein, and my stamina is better for sure. Motivation... I've set a lesson for August 15th and knowing that I'll have to show my coach "something" definitely gave me bust in my training.

In August I have work/ volunteering commitments every Friday so realistically I don't think I'm gonna be able to skate 3 times per week.  I think the month of August can be an "observing and gathering information month", but I hope that is gonna transition into a more intentional training starting with September.

That is because more ice is gonna be available so I will be able to skate more, add lessons or at least it's gonna take pressure off my schedule so I can rest more, enjoy the summer, cook, exercise/ stretch.With more time on my hands I can work more intense at finalizing the blade alignment. I think an improvement in any of these will help skating.

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Monthly skating review: progress and goals adjustment

Well, last moth I've got to skate only twice per week and no lessons... It was mostly because of my work scheduled, but I've also lo...