Sunday, October 6, 2024

The 1st week of October

The possible skating schedule this week, was: Monday: home rink or hockey rink that is very close from my home, Wednesday: home rink, Thursday: hockey rink, Friday to Sunday either no ice, either I cannot skate because of work. So I think I can supplement with a lesson on Tuesday but that will get me to skating 4 days in a row. I hope I can manage that physically and also I hope I will not get myself too stressed because of the skating. The idea is for skating to help my life, not stress it.  

Monday I skated at the close by hockey rink. It was not very crowded this time, but with the desire to take a lesson on Tuesday I choosed to not push too much so I will not be tired the next day. I did mostly dance related drills and did the Ten Fox few times, unfortunately without music. I see some skaters connecting their music but being public skate and there were few hockey skaters on ice I though pattern dance may not be pleasant to them. I also see skaters with earbuds, I think I am gonna try those on a very low volume next time so I can still hear what is happening around me.

Tuesday, lesson! Read about it here.  It took me 35 minutes to get there and 2 hours back (because I made a stop just off expressway). Next time I'll drive straight home to see exactly how long it takes. Loosing so much time driving back takes a big chunk of my working day, I don't know if I can do it every week... This particular day was a pretty busy work day too, so maybe other days will be better, hopefully...

Wednesday I skated at my home rink and I've applied the corrections from the lesson. It felt satisfying to feel immediate improvement by applying just few corrections. I pushed quite hard, I was worried if I would be able to skate the next day.

Thursday, yeap I was too tired to even consider it would worth it to go skating.

Friday I had a work meeting Northside that was finishing at the edge of maybe me making it back to skate if the driving would be  expected1 hour. I dressed in layers, with leggings underneath and brought the skates with me. Only the drive back was... 2hours, yeap it was Friday, maybe on a different weekday would have been better. So, no skating...

No ice Saturday and Sunday.

I was pretty disappointed on Friday realizing I skated just 2 sessions and a half hour lesson. Like this, I am not gonna improve and the lessons would be a waste of driving time and money. I need at least one more skating day. 

Next 2 weeks though, I think I can count on skating Monday through Friday.

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