Monday, September 30, 2019

Skating technique: Backward Swing Rolls

Here is a video of mine, done on alternating lobes.

Read the post on the Backward Chasses, as there are similarities between these steps.

Intro steps: I do 2 forward strokes, Mohowk, 2 back strokes, that would bring me to the axis going on the lenght of the rink.
First lobe:
1.Right Back Outside Edge (RBO). Use the backward push into it, and push straight back, perpendicular from the axis, put the right foot on an outside edge as you push and hold the free foot extended (when partnering, it should and will match the partner extension stroking forward). The skating leg is bent at the knee. The upper body is turned a little toward the inside of the circle.This is the same as for the Back Chasse, with the mention that you hold the edge until the middle of the lobe. Also the extension of the free leg is emphasized more (it has to match the extension to the back in the second half of the lobe). Also, I was surprised when my coach mention it, but, concentrating on having a higher and longer extension, puts you on a better back edge... As for errors, I can see in the video that after the back push I allow the upper body to open towards the outside of the circle immediately. If I would hold it slightly towards the inside of the circle, again, I would have a stronger back outside edge.
2.At the top (middle) of the lobe, you straighten the skating leg and bring the free foot at the ankle of the skating foot. You keep your weight over the skating hip and press into the ice. This is where you would square the upper body (that should have been kept facing inside the circle until now).
3.Continue the RBO Edge. The free leg goes back (in a controlled manner, not a swing) and should be kept back for the whole second of the lobe (not dropped down immediately). The upper body turns slightly  with the back at the circle, and the free leg and the arm on that side are moving together.
Changing the lobes:
- When there is a foot left till the axis you bring the free foot in, pressing into ice, holding the core engaged and keeping the weight over the skating foot and hip. The upper body doesn't change (it did at the top of the lobe)
-  Still keep the weight over the skating foot and re bend and flip your outside edge on an inside edge  and push and start a new lobe

Swing Rolls (both forward and backwards) hurt my hip so i didn't work at them at all. I'm sure I'll get more corrections and tips from my coach when we will work at them.

Update on 11/30/2019 with new corrections (here).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Skating technique: Backward Chasses

Backward Chasses are advance beginner Ice Dancing steps appearing first in the Swing Dance, a Pre-Bronze pattern dance.

They are done as a 3 step on alternating lobes, or a 2 step on a circle, but  the name Chasse is for one particular step where the foot is lifted and "chases" the other foot.

When I first started talking about Ice Dancing technique I talked about "Edges and Lobes" and that covers the forward and backward edges. Then, before I described the first forward Ice Dancing steps (forward Chasses, Progressives and Swing Rolls), I described the "Deep Forward Edges" and an exercise called Forward Edge Presses.  I will describe the Backward Deep edges later because I think the Backward Chasses are easier to do (having 3 steps on a lobe) then the Backward Edge, which requires to hold that edge for the whole lobe... I'm bringing back the talk about the lobes because transitioning between lobes (changing direction) is a skill in its own, separate from any step. For backward lobes it is the same principle as on the forward lobes, just harder to do at beginner level.

I described in my previous post the backward push and the posture and balance when skating backwards.

Here are my chasses on alternating lobes:

Intro steps: you need some speed going into any pattern. I've got used to do 2 forward strokes, Mohowk, 2 back strokes, that would bring me to the axis going on the lenght of the rink.
First lobe:
1.Right Back Outside Edge (RBO). Use the backward push into it, and push straight away, perpendicular from the axis, put the right foot on an outside edge as you push and hold the free foot extended (it should and will match the partner extension stroking forward). The upper body is turned a little toward the inside of the circle.
2.Left Inside Chasse. There is no push to get on the inside edge, you kind of fall into it. Lift free foot flexed and keep it close to the skating foot. And press the inside edge. The inside edge should bring you to the top of the lobe (middle).
3.RBO Edge. There is a push from the inside edge onto this outside edge and it is straight back, parallel with the imaginary axis (I'm not doing it, you can see in the video, I push around). You put the skating foot on an outside edge and that edge and the lean of the whole body into the circle should bring you around the lobe. And you hold the extension again.
Changing the lobes:
- When there is 1/4 left of the last outside edge lobe, you rise keeping the weight on the skating foot, that is straighten your skating leg while pressing into the ice, bring the free foot near the skating foot (using the inner tights muscle like a scissor motion), and holding the core engaged, square the upper body to be perpendicular to the circle, when you'll take the new push back, the upper body will be over the imaginary axis)
-  Still keep the weight over the skating foot and re bend and flip your outside edge on an inside edge to prepare for the new backward push while rotation the upper body slightly to face the new circle and... push and start a new lobe
- I certainly couldn't do this holding the weight over the skating side, I was "falling onto the new edge, so basically I was transitioning between lobes on two feet. And that is acceptable for a beginner and for the Pre-Bronze pattern dances. At this point I was still working in finding the balance going backwards. Nowadays, after 2 years I've learned the backward chasses and I work and test the Bronze pattern dances, I have days when this transition is better. The one exercise that I felt helped is the edge presses. I've described just the forward ones, but I'll describe the backward edge presses soon.

And here is a video and instructions for doing the chasses on a circle:

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Skating technique: Backward Stroking and Backward Push

When I first started writing about technique I looked into the ISI levels to follow their progression in difficulty of the skills I describe. I was surprised to find backward stroking in the Beta level (early beginner). For once, I don't remember learning it at all, and then, I think it is impossible to learn it at that level. Surely, at that level it is an intro to backward stroking. And I had post describing skating forward and backward for beginners. And on the ISI web page there are videos demonstrating the skills for each level. ( On the ISI next levels there is some back push into the back edges, that I described here, but more then that there is no backward stroking in Freestyle. To go backward in Freestyle you use 3-turns and mohawks and do backward crossovers.

In Ice Dancing, on the other hand, there is all kinds of backward skating that need a strong backward push and he understanding of posture and balance when going backwards.

The posture and balance: for skating backward you should feel your weight on the front part of your foot arch, some say it's the ball of your foot, but then it's the back part of it. (Reminder, for forward stroking you feel your weight at the back of your foot arch, some say back of the blade). The posture when skating backwards is even more erect then skating forward, it almost feel you are leaning back. To balance,  you push your heals underneath you (towards your back, but they travel forward) bending your ankles and knees more.

The backward push:
- bend your knees
- keep the weight on both feet, but mostly on the the foot that will push, otherwise the push will be "empty", will have no power
- push back from "underneath" you at a 30 degrees angle from the axis of traveling (pigeon toe), gripping the ice with the ankle. I kind of have the same sensation as when I cut with a knife the flower stems at an angle (to absorb water) to put in the vase.
- there is tension in that push, extension, that is kept to turn out the foot from the pigeon toe (this may be that ice cream scooping image that I was given, that I didn't really feel)
- do not drop the free hip (the ice cream scooping made me drop the free hip). For me is more the feeling of piercing something, so pointing forward while rotating, the ice cream scooping feels for me more like grabbing around). The most recent correction was that my free hip is too back (I feel it's part of the same problem as dropping the hip). Also that I don't transfer the weight completely on the left side (and I can see that in the video that I've took for this post)
- keep a strong core, you should feel like you are a wall and the push moves the whole wall. My coaches explanation is that you feel the push in your opposite shoulder blade.

The backward stroking: after a good backward push there is no much to stroking. You just bring the free foot turned out and with pointed toe to align 6 inches to the skating tracing on ice.

Here is some beautiful, beautiful forward and backward stroking.
And here is my stroking

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ice Dancing: Fiesta Tango

Here is the the judging form for Fiesta Tango, Pre-Bronze pattern dance that includes the diagram with the steps of the dance. This dance felt more difficult to me, compared with the other two on this level (Cha Cha and Swing Dance). I felt that every single step is a new one... The hold for this dance is a reversed killian hold, meaning partners are lateral to each other, the women is at the left side of the man.
Intro Steps: forward strokes left, right, left, right, from the red X on the diagram towards West.

The Pattern Dance I'll describe in steps from the diagram grouped into lobes.
1.2. Left Forward Outside Edge, Right Forward Outside Edge (2-2,total 4 beats). These are very quick edges. I've learned that the only way to do them is by starting with the upper body towards the inside of the circle of the edge (so left for the left step) and as you rise to re bend for the next stroke you pull the edge (like power pulls) and turn the upper body to the right to basically "check" the rotation of the lower body. That will leave you in the right position to start the right edge. It is also important to step on am outside edge.
3.4.5. Left Forward Outside Progressive. (1-1-2, 4 beats total) Ok, this is not a new step, but it is the only one that is not new. What is new is that you don't "check" the upper body as you rise, you keep it toward the inside of the circle to be prepared for the cross roll.
6.7. Right Forward Outside Cross Roll and Left Forward Inside Cross (X) Behind. (2-2, 4 beats total). At the point when I learned this dance I haven't done Cross Rolls, in fact I'm just learning them right now. Very short instruction: Stroke, then bring the free leg over the skating leg (like a crossover) but crossing the free leg over the knee and twist the upper body towards the inside of the circle simultaneously with the free leg movement. Hold the outside edge and the upper body position to slide the  free leg in the cross behind inside edge. The new free leg (right) goes forward, like a slide chasse.
8. 9. It is a Forward Outside Swing Roll hold 4 beats, the the free leg is moved back, while going on an inside edge and an Left Forward Outside Edge. Step 8 is a very long edge, 6 beats, step 9,  2 beats continues the lobe created by the change of the edge of step 8. I feel the "secrets" on this step 8 are a strong stroke (from underneath you), an erect posture (the edge is impossible to control if you are leaning forward) and a strong press into the ice with the ankle of the skating foot. I used to group in my mind step 9 with the steps 10.11, the mohawk, kind of like a preparation for the mowhak. But I feel it makes more sense for firstly the rhythm count but also the technique to have it combined with the long change of edge step. I feel I kept the end of the long edge stronger (that ends as an inside edge), continuing with this step 9 that is the same lobe as the inside edge.
10.11.12. Right Forward Inside Mohawk to Left Backward Inside Edge and Right Backwards Outside Edge.  (1-1, 2 total 4 beats). This is not your regular inside mohawk. It is very, very quick and the free leg stops at the ankle after the turn so it doesn't help in balancing. You have to have at this point a good posture and balance skating backwards (that is different than skating forward), I'll cover this in a coming post. I was sometimes hitting this and sometimes I didn't. At the test I didn't. As I said I used to practice steps 9.10.11. together but I feel grouping 10.11.12, finally made me keep steep 11 at 1 count., because I had to step immediately for step 12. I said "step", as per my instructor, you never "step" in Ice Dancing, you always "stroke". But at that time, I was stepping all this end pattern.
13.14. Left Backward Inside Edge and Right Backward Outside Edge (2-2, total 4 beats). These should be easy steps, just backward stroking, but you need that balance and posture for going backwards that I mentioned at the Mohawk.
15.16. Cross Forward Left Backward Inside Edge and Right Forward Inside (2-2, total 4 beats). I loved step 15, as I felt it showed the tango character, it is a pity that I couldn't do it strongly when the previous steps weren't solid. Step 16 is step forward, ready to start a new pattern.

Here is the video of my test and you can read about the day when I tested here.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Ice Dancing: Swing Dance

The Swing Dance is basically just chasses and swing rolls, it should be easy, right? Well, it is the first dance in a waltz hold so it's the first dance that requires skating backwards. Another new concept is the tracking, meaning that the skater going forward has to follow the one going backward in a certain way. And there is one more challenge, it is a longer dance. The pattern dances have to be repeated twice at these levels. The previous pattern dances were half of the ice rink so twice of that is once around the rink. The Swing Dance pattern goes around the whole rink, and twice that would mean you have to go twice around the rink.

Here is the form used for judging, and it shows the diagram of the dance.
Intro Steps: facing South lateral to the right side of the partner - Left stroke, Right Outside 3-turn and Left Back Swing Roll (on the hockey circle, finishing on the axis formed by the red dots on the length of the rink) during which you get into the waltz hold

The Pattern Dance I'll describe in steps grouped in lobes:
1.2.3. Right Back Outside Chasse (count 1-1-2, total 4 beats) (on the judges drawing these steps are (16.17.18.). I've described the Back Chasses here.
4.5.6. Left Back Outside Chasse (count 1-1-2, total 4 beats) (19.20.21). This should bring you to the middle of the rink.
7. Right Back Outside Swing Roll (4 beats) (22.), and I'll link the explanation of the Back Swing Roll soon.
8. Left Back Outside Swing Roll (4 beats) (23.)
9.10. Right Back Outside Edge to Left Forward Outside Edge (2-2, 4 beats total) (24.25.). Here at the end of the back edge you have to rise and bring your weight over the skating foot and hip and rebend the knees and ankles in order to step forward neatly (feet close together). On the step forward the waltz hold is released into just holding hands.
11.12.13. Right Forward Inside Edge to Left Forward Outside Edge to Right Forward Inside Slide Chasse (2-2-2, 6 beats total) (26.27.28.). I explained about the Forward Slide Chasse here. This is an optional step, meaning you can do just a regular edge, but the partner at this point does the second edge of a Mohowk and the extension of the slide matches nicely the extension of the partner's Mohowk.
14.15. Left Forward Outside Edge to Right Forward Outside Swing Roll that I described the technique here. (2-4, 6 beats total) (29.30.). These steps follow the hockey circle as in the intro steps. The waltz hold is reacquired during the left outside edge.
16.17.18. Left Forward Outside Chasse (1-1-2, 4 beats total) (diagram steps are 1.2.3. and described as the first steps for the man)
19.20.21. Right Forward Outside Chasse (1-1-2, 4 beats total) (4.5.6.) and this should bring you to the middle of the rink.
22. Left Forward Swing Roll (4 beats) (7.)
23. Right Forward Swing Roll (4 beats) (8.)
24.25.26 Left Forward Outside Edge to Right Forward Inside Edge to  Left Forward Outside Edge (2-2-2, 6 beats total)
27.28. Mohawk that I described the technique for here is Right Forward Inside Edge to Left Back Inside Edge (2-2, 4 beats total)
29.30. Right Back Outside Edge to Left Back Outside Swing Roll (2-4, 6 beats total)

I mentioned "tracking" that is following the partner, and you can see that in the pattern dance drawing tracking is shown with an interrupted line at both ends of the pattern. Tracking also happens in all the other lobes, But I feel there is enough to be said about tracking to fill a whole post.

I also mentioned that learning the backward skating felt difficult. I was surprised how uncomfortable it was to go forward while the partner was going backwards in a waltz hold. I suspect it was a mental component, fear of hitting my partner... But it also felt that he was going faster then me and I was being dragged and a little off balance because of that. The coach's correction was to stroke each step, not step it. And here is the video from the test (test that i described here). I've got passing marks on each category, with the mention that I was "cautious".

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Ice Dancing: Cha Cha

I don't have much new to say about my skating, I'm in rebuilding mode, as I said in my last post. I'm thinking to describe the Pre-Bronze pattern dances that I've write about testing (read about it here), but didn't get into the actual dance.
Here is a link to the form judges use at tests, it shows the diagram of the dance and the skills they are looking for:

This dance goes only forward, as the Preliminay ones (Dutch Waltz, Canasta Tango and Rhythm Blues), in fact, I haven't found it more difficult than the Preliminary ones. Here is drawing where I showed the starting point with the red X, and I put in the cardinal points so I can describe the  direction of the steps.
Intro steps: 4 Forward Strokes: left, right, left, right.
The pattern dance: As in the previous dances, I will describe groups of steps as I was grouping them in my mind to remember them, usually they form lobes.
1.2. Left Forward Progressive, 3 edges LFO.RFI. (2-2, 4 beats total). When I've learned this dance, I remember that I've learned this as a crossover, maybe it changed recently, but it may be a printing mistake. To me, a crossover (that is crisper then a progressive) makes sense to show the character of the dance.
3.4.5. Left Inside Edge, Right Outside Chasse, Wide Step Left Inside Edge (1-1-2, 4 beats total). Ive must have gotten the most correction for this dance on step 3... It is not terribly difficult to do, I just kept forgetting to pay attention. I mean, is is not easy, easy would be to do an outside edge... but it is double if you only remember to pay attention and to "place" the left foot on the proper inside edge. Then, there is the chasse on the right outside edge, and you keep your weight over the right side as you move the left leg to the left and wide step on an inside edge again.
Step 3 is a very important step from few different points of view:
- if incorrect it will affect the next steps. If placed on an outside edge, the chasse will very probably be on an outside edge (otherwise there would be a wide step there) and that wouldn't allow a strong control of keeping the weight to the right side, so then, the skater would "fall" (drop, not place)  on the the wide step (step 5)
- done correctly it shows the character of the dance cha cha (the hips movement), by placing the feet first, the hips movement is delayed and when it happens it is more accentuated.
- I find it is the first step that reveals what pattern dances are all about! Accuracy while showing character of the specific dance!
6. Right Outside Edge with knee rise at the middle (4 beats total). This step was not an easy step for me. I was stepping somehow forward, instead of directly on an outside edge. It is difficult to go on an outside edge if you don't set your foot on an outside edge to start with. Also my weight was forward on my blade, instead of back of the arch where it should be and that didn't help the control of the outside edge either, especially having to do the knee rise.
7.8. Two foot slalom (1-1-2-1 1/2) The slalom should have the feet together. The timing is interesting but I've felt the music carried it trough.
9.10. Left Inside Chasse (1/2 beats) Right Forward Inside Edge (2 beats). The slalom end on the right foot and then the left one touches the ice for just half beat to set the right foot on an inside edge.
11. Left Forward Outside Swing Roll (4 beats) is important to end towards the center of the rink
12.13. Cross Forward Right Forward Outside, Cross Behind Left Forward Inside (2-2, 4 beats total)
14. Right Forward Inside Swing Roll (4 beats total)

And here is the video from when I tested it:

Monday, September 2, 2019

Monthly skating review: progress and goals adjustment

After not skating much during the summer, the last two weeks I skated 3 times a week.  I knew I'll have to find my skating legs and that I'll have to build back some of the muscles. What I didn't expect was that I have to build stamina too. Maybe that is related to me needing to "muscle" trough things, as I don't have the muscle to do the things the easy way. The result is the same, I'm in a rebuilding phase. Looking back I kind of regret letting my skating slide. But I cannot go back in time and in those past moments it felt the right thing to do.

I worked mostly on moves because I thought I'll be able to get back to being ready to test quickly, and passing a test is always a confidence boost, plus I wanted a focus, a goal while skating. But, I worked at them as I used to when I was ready to test them. And that is 5 minutes warm up, then present the moves in full force. I'm happy that I feel I'm almost back, ready to test. And now... "the but"... But, after these 15 minutes it took me to go trough the warmup and test, I was all spent... I couldn't really work on the dances or the jumps, so the rest of the session was wasted.

The plan for next month is to rebuild and organize.

Off Ice: After feeling pain in the muscle after an intense skating session (a lesson), I decided to put in the time and start doing exercises for the hips every day. It didn't happen every day but I did them often enough to feel they help and I want to stick with them.

MITF: I could push them for testing but it seams that it would be all I would be doing, and then I would be too tired for anything else. I don't feel it is worth it so, I'll work on the technique a little bit more and wait to add the power needed for testing when I'll feel stronger, hopefully on the second part of the month.

Ice Dancing: I'm thinking to focus my private lessons and the biggest chunk of time on Ice Dancing. That would be again, on technique not on power. I didn't do Ice Dancing consistently in probably 6 months so I need to review the technique.

Freestyle: While I rebuild the muscles and stamina that I need for both moves and Ice Dancing I plan to put a little more time into Freestyle. I'll try to start with them, after warming up a little bit and see how it feels. I hope I can get a little progress there and still have energy for dance and moves. And as motivation, as soon as I'll have the loop jump and sit spin (at least be close) I'll start working at a new program.

Skating for my own enjoyment: When I started private lessons around 3 years ago, I had this plan to push for progress in skating in order to enjoy it later. And that went well for over a year and the progress was enough motivation for me. But lately, I couldn't push for progress. First, a little over a year ago, it was the hip injury.  Then, I had an emotional withdrawal caused by disappointment in how skating is organized (clubs, testing, rinks). So I'm at the point where I need something back from skating itself, I need to find a way to either enjoy the process as a whole, or at least to alternate period of work for progress with period of enjoyment (like working at jumps and spins, then putting them in  a new program). On the other hand I admire somebody's way of skating at my rink, both the looks of it and the joy he seems to get out of it. He does a little bit of coaching not as a first job, not even as a second job but maybe more as  sharing the joy for skating. At least this is how I perceive him. Anyhow I want to take some lessons from him and I already told him that I want him to teach me how to skate for my own enjoyment, in addition to continuing lessons with my current coach that are focused on technique.

Monthly skating review: progress and goals adjustment

Well, last moth I've got to skate only twice per week and no lessons... It was mostly because of my work scheduled, but I've also lo...