Monday, September 30, 2019

Skating technique: Backward Swing Rolls

Here is a video of mine, done on alternating lobes.

Read the post on the Backward Chasses, as there are similarities between these steps.

Intro steps: I do 2 forward strokes, Mohowk, 2 back strokes, that would bring me to the axis going on the lenght of the rink.
First lobe:
1.Right Back Outside Edge (RBO). Use the backward push into it, and push straight back, perpendicular from the axis, put the right foot on an outside edge as you push and hold the free foot extended (when partnering, it should and will match the partner extension stroking forward). The skating leg is bent at the knee. The upper body is turned a little toward the inside of the circle.This is the same as for the Back Chasse, with the mention that you hold the edge until the middle of the lobe. Also the extension of the free leg is emphasized more (it has to match the extension to the back in the second half of the lobe). Also, I was surprised when my coach mention it, but, concentrating on having a higher and longer extension, puts you on a better back edge... As for errors, I can see in the video that after the back push I allow the upper body to open towards the outside of the circle immediately. If I would hold it slightly towards the inside of the circle, again, I would have a stronger back outside edge.
2.At the top (middle) of the lobe, you straighten the skating leg and bring the free foot at the ankle of the skating foot. You keep your weight over the skating hip and press into the ice. This is where you would square the upper body (that should have been kept facing inside the circle until now).
3.Continue the RBO Edge. The free leg goes back (in a controlled manner, not a swing) and should be kept back for the whole second of the lobe (not dropped down immediately). The upper body turns slightly  with the back at the circle, and the free leg and the arm on that side are moving together.
Changing the lobes:
- When there is a foot left till the axis you bring the free foot in, pressing into ice, holding the core engaged and keeping the weight over the skating foot and hip. The upper body doesn't change (it did at the top of the lobe)
-  Still keep the weight over the skating foot and re bend and flip your outside edge on an inside edge  and push and start a new lobe

Swing Rolls (both forward and backwards) hurt my hip so i didn't work at them at all. I'm sure I'll get more corrections and tips from my coach when we will work at them.

Update on 11/30/2019 with new corrections (here).

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