Friday, September 13, 2019

Ice Dancing: Swing Dance

The Swing Dance is basically just chasses and swing rolls, it should be easy, right? Well, it is the first dance in a waltz hold so it's the first dance that requires skating backwards. Another new concept is the tracking, meaning that the skater going forward has to follow the one going backward in a certain way. And there is one more challenge, it is a longer dance. The pattern dances have to be repeated twice at these levels. The previous pattern dances were half of the ice rink so twice of that is once around the rink. The Swing Dance pattern goes around the whole rink, and twice that would mean you have to go twice around the rink.

Here is the form used for judging, and it shows the diagram of the dance.
Intro Steps: facing South lateral to the right side of the partner - Left stroke, Right Outside 3-turn and Left Back Swing Roll (on the hockey circle, finishing on the axis formed by the red dots on the length of the rink) during which you get into the waltz hold

The Pattern Dance I'll describe in steps grouped in lobes:
1.2.3. Right Back Outside Chasse (count 1-1-2, total 4 beats) (on the judges drawing these steps are (16.17.18.). I've described the Back Chasses here.
4.5.6. Left Back Outside Chasse (count 1-1-2, total 4 beats) (19.20.21). This should bring you to the middle of the rink.
7. Right Back Outside Swing Roll (4 beats) (22.), and I'll link the explanation of the Back Swing Roll soon.
8. Left Back Outside Swing Roll (4 beats) (23.)
9.10. Right Back Outside Edge to Left Forward Outside Edge (2-2, 4 beats total) (24.25.). Here at the end of the back edge you have to rise and bring your weight over the skating foot and hip and rebend the knees and ankles in order to step forward neatly (feet close together). On the step forward the waltz hold is released into just holding hands.
11.12.13. Right Forward Inside Edge to Left Forward Outside Edge to Right Forward Inside Slide Chasse (2-2-2, 6 beats total) (26.27.28.). I explained about the Forward Slide Chasse here. This is an optional step, meaning you can do just a regular edge, but the partner at this point does the second edge of a Mohowk and the extension of the slide matches nicely the extension of the partner's Mohowk.
14.15. Left Forward Outside Edge to Right Forward Outside Swing Roll that I described the technique here. (2-4, 6 beats total) (29.30.). These steps follow the hockey circle as in the intro steps. The waltz hold is reacquired during the left outside edge.
16.17.18. Left Forward Outside Chasse (1-1-2, 4 beats total) (diagram steps are 1.2.3. and described as the first steps for the man)
19.20.21. Right Forward Outside Chasse (1-1-2, 4 beats total) (4.5.6.) and this should bring you to the middle of the rink.
22. Left Forward Swing Roll (4 beats) (7.)
23. Right Forward Swing Roll (4 beats) (8.)
24.25.26 Left Forward Outside Edge to Right Forward Inside Edge to  Left Forward Outside Edge (2-2-2, 6 beats total)
27.28. Mohawk that I described the technique for here is Right Forward Inside Edge to Left Back Inside Edge (2-2, 4 beats total)
29.30. Right Back Outside Edge to Left Back Outside Swing Roll (2-4, 6 beats total)

I mentioned "tracking" that is following the partner, and you can see that in the pattern dance drawing tracking is shown with an interrupted line at both ends of the pattern. Tracking also happens in all the other lobes, But I feel there is enough to be said about tracking to fill a whole post.

I also mentioned that learning the backward skating felt difficult. I was surprised how uncomfortable it was to go forward while the partner was going backwards in a waltz hold. I suspect it was a mental component, fear of hitting my partner... But it also felt that he was going faster then me and I was being dragged and a little off balance because of that. The coach's correction was to stroke each step, not step it. And here is the video from the test (test that i described here). I've got passing marks on each category, with the mention that I was "cautious".

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