Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Mid month update

Many updates to the plan for this month...

One of the kittens I took in, didn't make it. I'm terribly sad. I'm not gonna go into details. I'll say that I did the best I could, but I wish I could have done more.

The skating goes reasonably well. I still skate only 3 times per week and I work equally on everything, as planned, so as I said, I don't expect much progress.  I still start with a little Freestyle. Then I do the moves  without thinking  to make them ready to test. My private lessons, as always when I don't ask for something else, went towards Ice Dancing. My coach is primary an Ice Dancing coach so that's were he goes. But I have no complains, I actually felt progress in Ice Dancing! We've started to partner the Ten Fox!

I've registered to a Freestyle group class, starting next week. It is Freestyle 4 on USFSA not ISI that I was doing until now. It works on the same things the Loop Jump, Sit Spin and Back Spirals. So I'll get help on those, and also it will add an extra skating session per week but an easy one, because in the group classes there is some lost time and the class is just 45 minutes to start with. But that is not even the reason I registered to it.

The reason is that that rink (not my home rink), has an annual production of the Nutcracker in December, and I wanted to be in it. The requirement is to be registered in their group classes. I'm very excited about it, because I love ballet in general, I also love winter and "that time of the year". But it's a big time commitment. I plan to enjoy every second of it! That is a new thing for me, skating for my own enjoyment, that I first mentioned here. And because I lost my regular private lesson this week, due to Columbus day scheduling, I also planed a lesson with the new coach that works with me towards skating for my own enjoyment. I mentioned my first lesson with him in the plan for this month.

There is more... That is Figures. That is the old style tracings that were done in the past including in competitions. They are not popular anymore but they are the foundation for the skating edges. A friend told me she is doing them at a certain rink and it would be easier to keep using that time slot if more people would join in. It is too far away from me and not fitting my schedule, but it made me think that the Figures are easy on the body so I can add skating time to my 3 days of skating I do now, without being afraid I hurt my hip...  I asked my coach about figures and he teaches them. He also said that there is no way he can teach all (Ice Dancing, Moves, some Freestyle and Figures) with one lesson per week so I would have to add one more.

Feels like a lot, but I think I will be able to enjoy it all for this next two months (until the show), IF I don't expect and push for progress.

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